Shambhala Music and Lyrics
Music by The Truthsayers
Lyrics by L. M. McDermott
Music by Baylor Maggenti
Turn off the Spin
Verse 1
My mind is a powerful gift,
But it’s running wild.
My mind is a spiritual treasure,
But it’s easily defiled.
Years of being subjected to
Lies and self-doubt,
Years of hypocrisy breeds
Garbage in and garbage out.
So, if I can’t use my mind
For finding contentment,
I’ll use it for lies and deception
And my amusement.
Those who claimed to love me
Controlled my every movement,
Made me smile when I was angry,
Spying wherever I went.
But, they couldn’t tell what I was thinkin’,
Couldn’t control my mind.
Couldn’t read my murderous thoughts,
Spinnin’ fantasies of every kind.
So, mind-spinning indulgences
And manipulating you,
Along with twistin’ reality,
Is all my mind can do.
But, sanity slipped in one day
With Life-changing insight.
I can re-program my mind.
I can set it right.
But, sanity slipped in one day
With Life-changing insight.
My mind can work for me,
Almost over night.
I can dump my murderous thoughts
And turn off the spin.
I can boot up for sanity
And lock a clear focus in.
I can trash useless fears,
Learn from where I’ve been.
I can use the gift of mind
To know what’s happenin’.
Verse 2
My mind is a powerful gift,
But it’s running wild.
My mind is a spiritual treasure,
But it’s easily defiled.
Years of being subjected to
Lies and self-doubt,
Years of hypocrisy breeds
Garbage in and garbage out.
Repeat Chorus
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2011 Forerunner Publications
For more Shambhala Wisdom, visit www.shambhalablackbelts.com.