Shambhala Music and Lyrics
Music by The Truthsayers
Lyrics by L. M. McDermott
Music by Baylor Maggenti
Together Forever
When the Heart and Mind of you,
Merges with the Heart and Mind of me,
These best parts of us
Live on indefinitely.
And, upon our deaths
These best parts of you and me
Rejoin the Source
For Eternity.
So, do what you must
To strengthen your Core.
Identify with its Truths
And its Spiritual Soar.
And, as you commit
To your Heart, Mind, and Soul,
Know I’m doing the same,
‘Cause together forever is Eternity’s goal.
Investing in our Hearts and Minds
We invest in Everlastingness,
And the stronger we grow
In substance and in mass.
And, the more we identify
With these Spiritual Centers,
The more there’ll be of us
When Eternity we enter.
Repeat Chorus
So, do what you must
To strengthen your Core.
Identify with its Truths
And its Spiritual Soar.
And, as you commit
To your Heart, Mind, and Soul,
Know I’m doing the same,
‘Cause together forever is Eternity’s goal.
When the Heart and Mind of you,
Merges with the Heart and Mind of me,
These best parts of us
Live on indefinitely.
And, upon our deaths
These best parts of you and me
Rejoin the Source
For Eternity.
Repeat Chorus
So, do what you must
To strengthen your Core.
Identify with its Truths
And its Spiritual Soar.
And, as you commit
To your Heart, Mind, and Soul,
Know I’m doing the same,
‘Cause together forever is Eternity’s goal.
So, don’t be detoured
By social mandates
That fog the mind and drain the spirit,
And rob us of our shared fates.
So, shed the extraneous.
Let your acquired baggage go.
There’s an Eternity of things for us to do
And wondrous things for us to Know.
Repeat Chorus
So, do what you must
To strengthen your Core.
Identify with its Truths
And its Spiritual Soar.
And, as you commit
To your Heart, Mind, and Soul,
Know I’m doing the same,
‘Cause together forever is Eternity’s goal.
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2011 Forerunner Publications
For more Shambhala Wisdom, visit www.shambhalablackbelts.com.