Shambhala Music and Lyrics
Music by The Truthsayers
Lyrics by L. M. McDermott and Joseph Carrella
Music by Baylor Maggenti
Broken Promises
Verse 1
I do you, and
You do me.
I’ll scratch your back, and in return
You’ll do something nice for me.
I can help you out. I’ll
Make your future bright,
And, in return, you will
Set my life just right.
I’ll do you, and
You’ll do me.
I’ll take care of you, and in return
You’ll take care of me.
Little favors and
Tokens of love,
Bargaining chips,
Leveraging for love.
Obliging acts are my
Secretly indebting
You to me.
But, while I’m banking on what
You owe me,
You’re counting on my
Verse 2
And you’re angry when I
Don’t follow through.
And I’m pissed that I
Never get my due.
You say I’m making
Promises I never keep.
And I claim, you owe me
Favors I never reap.
So, our lives are filled with
Broken promises, while
We become jaded cynics and
Doubting Thomases.
Verse 3
Now when I’m using
Favors for bartering,
I make sure I know the
Terms for bargaining.
'Cause there’s always a price, and I’m
Beginning to see,
I’ve got to stand behind my
Generosity. So
Now with my favors there’s
No strings attached.
And before I play hero I
Make sure I can honor the act.
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2011 Forerunner Publications
For more Shambhala Wisdom, visit www.shambhalablackbelts.com.