Shambhala Music and Lyrics
Music by The Truthsayers
Lyrics by L. M. McDermott and Joseph Carrella
Music by Baylor Maggenti
Anything at All
Oh what I would do to see you smile again,
To hear you whistle like you did back then.
Just to see your eyes sparkle in the sun,
To hear you laughing and know you’re having fun.
Oh, what I would do to see you smile again,
To hear you whistle like you did back then.
Just to feel your hand enclosed in mine,
Just to hope that it’s not all left behind.
Oh what I would do to see you smile again,
To hear you whistle like you did back then.
Just to sing the songs we sang back then,
Just to dream the dreams that made us strong again.
Oh what I would do to see you smile again,
To hear you whistle like you did back then.
Oh what I would do to have your love again.
Anything at all, but give up what I am.
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2011 Forerunner Publications
For more Shambhala Wisdom, visit www.shambhalablackbelts.com.